Cestel Group sponsors the I Civic-Military Sociology Congress.
Under the slogan 'Cohesion in hierarchical organizations and the new social challenges in the 2035 horizon', this first Congress was organized by the Headquarters of Information Systems, Telecommunications and Technical Assistance (JCISAT) of the Spanish Army. It was attended by professors and students from different Spanish universities, as well as professionals who develop their work or research activity in institutions, companies or demoscopic institutes related to social sciences.
Grupo CESTEL was actively present throughout the Congress, presenting a wide range of solutions in a large stand: Survey Software ('QUESTION'), Psychotechnical Equipment, Speech Technologies, Environment Control and Mission Critical Systems.
On the 23rd, a plenary session on Conference Methodology was also held, in which the new version of 'QUESTION' was presented. The presentation was given by Fernando Ortiz, followed by a live demo by Victor Cintas. The new version of 'QUESTION' has an additional module, 'QUESTION-MOOD', which allows the measurement of indicators of the emotional state of the respondent, quantifying in real time different mood indicators such as anxiety, stress and decision capacity, among others. All this by means of Artificial Intelligence technologies, capturing hot spots while answering the questionnaire.
The presentation made by Grupo CESTEL was very well received by the congress attendees.
Presentation of the LND-100/R
Another novelty presented in Toledo was the LND-100/R psycho-technical equipment, a multi-pass model. LND-100/R allows up to 4 candidates to pass simultaneously with LND 100 batteries in a network.

Summary of the Congress.
The Congress was inaugurated by the Army General Mr. Amador Enseñat y Berea, and was structured in several plenary sessions and specialized symposia. The inaugural conference was given by Dr. Manuel Campo Vidal. After 18 working tables and several conferences, the congress was closed by Mr. Guillermo Ramírez Altozano, General Chief of the Information, Telecommunications and Technical Assistance Services Headquarters (JCISAT).
The main objective of this meeting was to deepen the knowledge of the factors that will condition the operability and cohesion of the organizations that form and will form part of the hierarchical structures in the 2035 environment, through various thematic areas, such as:
-Synergies between family and work environments.
-Family reconciliation and its impact on organizations.
-Motivation and commitment: the role of values.
-Sociological approach to personnel management in the organization.
-Methodology and techniques of application to social studies.
-Imaging of the Armed Forces and other institutions.
Our special thanks to Lieutenant Colonel Juan Carlos Gombao, head of the Army Sociology Center, for the cordial welcome and help he has given us throughout the Congress.